Water Conservation Resolutions
Do our New Year’s resolutions include doing all we can to conserve water? If you live in Central Texas, they certainly should. According to reports from the Barton Springs/Edward Aquifer Conservation District, the outlook is bleak for any relief. In November, they declared a “Stage ll Alarm Drought” for parts of Hays, Travis and Caldwell counties and predict, if dry conditions continue, a “Critical Stage lll” announcement could be made by early March. Unfortunately, the National Weather Service agrees this prospect, predicting drought conditions to persist or even intensify.
Whether you own a home or a business, a lush green lawn enhances your investment, but coupled with a desire to conserve water and/or comply watering restrictions, it often yields the opposite effect. Let’s face it: A green lawn means lots of water, and that’s something we don’t have much of.
LawnPop is dedicated to providing environmentally conscious, cost-effective, low-maintenance, pet-friendly, and safe artificial grass products for our clients. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, we have the solution you need. Give us a call for a free estimate and see what LawnPop can do for you!